Online money making idea is very hot and great things in internet sector. Linkbucks is one of the best website to make money in online. This is one of the website or network i already use long time and gets lot of benefit and also suggest other person to use this network. Make money using Linkbucks without any investment.
Linkbucks allows user to make extra money for sharing url on social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and Myspace. Best part about Linkbucks is that they allow you to share any link.
What is Linkbucks?
If you are looking other ways to make money, the leader in the social marketing, Linkbucks is safe and paying site to use. It’s basically a PPP site (paid to post), where you earn money when someone clicks on your posted converted links and picture. There are multiple options when you converting the links, various alias URL’s, different ad types and its rates which it offers makes it the best program of its kind to make fast and easy money.
Payment Options
Payout for 1000 views: Upto $6
payment options: Payoneer and Paypal
Minimum Payout: $5
Payment Time: Instant
How can you make money with Linkbucks?
It's Easy, just sign up for Linkbucks, it takes a few minutes, Linkbucks has a $5 minimum Payout.
Once you sign up, you can easily start creating Linkbucks url links to share with your friends. If you are like me and have a good social network following, you can make lot of money just by sharing articles and blogs/websites. They don't even have to be your own.
The blogs and forums has gone far that people can miss your single thread, so all what you got to do is to post your thread at multiple forums. You can up to $1-$5/day, depending upon the number of forums you post like 20 forums> $1.
Start single thread
It’s one of the best methods, register to one of the forums, follow the gallery dumping method mentioned above in the appropriate section of the forum, and start a new thread with attractive descriptions and relevant content, which could be pictures of any kind, games, software, wallpaper etc.
Gallery Dumping
It’s the traditional method and many people use it so its lets effective, but you can get started. All what you need is to dumb an album of adult pictures 200 pictures at least per day to make about $0.5/day. Don’t freak out you can get pictures from, or, generate the HTML or BBcode and select pictures in rows and then go to Linkbucks>Create Links>Multiple Links and paste the codes in the box.
Post megathreads at deficient places
Look for the forum where you will hardly find replies on post but has 20 or more visits on every thread, simply post a thread mentioning in between your title ‘mega thread daily updates’ and see your earning increase. But if you find forums with at least 2-3 replies simply post up to 10 threads and forget about it.
Blog about your posting
You can make use of sites like or, that will help you to initiate a free blog where you can discuss your about the links which are cloak with Linkbuks.
Buy a domain and hosting
With purchasing a domain you got the quick install of different forums like PHPbb3, SMF, etc where you can post threads. You can make up to $10/day if you have a known website with high traffic.
It’s a paying file host that pays you approx $5- $10/1000 downloads, so get your pictures, software or whatever you want to share through and it and get paid. Don’t forget to cloak your downloaded link with Linkbucks and paste it on some forums.
Bonus tips
You can use popup ads when posting galleries but it’s better to put one only and try to not to post many galleries together. You should try to get referrals, the best passive earning way, as you will be getting 20% commission over their earnings.
Register on Sharedimages
The site pays you $1/1000 views, so why not posting those images which get you paid over click on Linkbucks and get paid through sharedimages by viewing them. Download the images in bulk, upload them on sharedimages, when you have done get all the codes, cloak it with Linkbuck and post mega or single threads at various places.
Reply on thread you created
What majority would like to consider before viewing is the number of views and replies, so bookmark your threads and next day instead of creating another thread post a reply.
Making Money From Linkbucks on Twiends
Linkbucks has different ad types you can associate with your url links. For example, you have the top banner, which is the one i normally use because i haven't heard of it breaking any banners. Also, you can use side banner as well. Of course there are intermission ads but if you know like i do, you know web users dislike pop up ads. Unfortunately, this is highest paying ad type provided by Linkbucks but as long as you are getting good traffic it will add up.
Making Money From Linkbucks on Myspace and Facebook
This is one of easiest methods to making money with Linkbucks. Depending on your social network status, you can earn extra money with something as simple as a status update.
For example, I have a Myspace page with nearly 50,000 friends, I'd say about 2/5 of them are online at least once a day. I may have found a really cool article such as the OJ Simpson prison beating that I want to share. What I'll do is pick a good status update such as, "OJ Simpson Got Beat Down In Prison?" to attract attention to url link. Lets say there are 20,000 friends online and 5,000 click on url link. That is easy money in seconds!
Why are you Waiting?