How to Make Money from PopCash-First I want to explain what it is PopCash. PopCash is a site that based on CPM where will pay every Publisher impression of him from the blog traffic. In the PopCash this is not the number of clicks that affect the income of his member, but the amount of traffic or the number of visitors who drop by each day in a blog.
So a game of advertising in the PopCash this is the more/bigger amount of traffic that is in a blog,then her earnings will be getting bigger.
Forms of advertising offered by the PopCash itself is advertising Popups, as we know this PopUp ads do not interfere with the use of a Sidebar widget on the blog, but the ads will appear on a different page when a visitor clicks on a link that is on our website/blog.
There are many advantages that are owned by the PopCash, the first in terms of payment, the PopCash never specify the time of payment, payment of theearnings of his members could do every day if the amount of income you have reached minimum, i.e. $ 10 for payments via Paypal.
Now imagine if you have a blog that histraffic is very high and you sign up to become publisher at PopCash, imagine if every day your earnings could reach $ 10, then you are going to Payout per day.
OK, that’s what I can share to you right now. Thanks for Reading and Visiting this Blog.